Restaurant Air Filters

A Quick Guide To Restaurant Air Filters

An HVAC system (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) is crucial for every commercial cooking area. Most restaurant kitchens stand for intense operations resulting in excess vapor, smoke, heat, and odors in the air. Such an environment requires proper air conditioning in commercial kitchens, and heavy-duty air filters are integral to good air quality. There are numerous air filters available in the current market, so selecting the right one for your HVAC system is essential. Today, we`ll discuss the main features of an air conditioner for a restaurant kitchen.

Main Types Of Commercial Air Filters

1. HEPA Filters

HEPA filters go to High-Efficiency Particulate Air – they can capture almost 100% of contaminants as small as 0.3 microns. By the way, this measured length is one million a meter. These air filters also feature a high MERV rating that highlights the ability of appliances to trap particles that have between 0.3 to 10 microns in diameter. For restaurants and catering establishments, installing an air filter with a MERV rating from 8 to 14 is enough.

2. Pleated Filters

These air filters are typically made from cotton and polyester, and their unique folded construction and larger surface allow for capturing more dirt and dust in the air. The main benefit of pleated filters is affordable prices. However, they might make your HVAC system operate less efficiently due to the pulling air through the system.

3. UV Light Filters

UV light filters are more suitable for healthcare facilities as they work by using a short-wave ultraviolet light to remove allergens and mold spores from the air. At the same time, these air filters cannot eliminate dust and dirt from the air, so they are considered less effective for commercial buildings.

4. Fiberglass Filters

Fiberglass air filters stand for their cost-effectiveness, and they are designed to capture large particles and contaminants from the air. In theory, these filters are likely to trap some allergens and dust, but tiny particles appear pretty challenging for them to capture. Thus, the previous air filter solutions are advisable for advanced protection in commercial areas.

Benefits Of An Air Purifier Restaurant

Restaurant owners can leverage the installation of air purifiers for some reason. For instance, air filters can eliminate bad odors and cooking fumes produced in busy commercial kitchens. It is worth mentioning that air purifiers with a special in-built carbon filter work well to absorb fumes and cooking odors and herewith make the air fresher. Apart from that, whether your restaurant is equipped with a powerless air conditioner, you risk facing excess dust – the biggest allergy provoker. 

This way, we can outline another promising sign of air purifiers – reducing amounts of dust in the air and decreasing chances for health issues in both workers and clients. Commercial air conditioners equipped with HEPA filters are designed to capture mold, too. It results in mold-free air and the prevention of respiratory problems in people.